C-V2X RSU Specs Sheet

• Road Side Unit (RSU) device for WiFi motion communications
• POE power supply
• 802.11 b, g, n – 2.4 GHz WiFi communications
• 802.11 a / ac 5.4 GHz WiFi communications
• Communication between infrastructure and vehicles with speeds up to 150Km / h
• General warnings
• Intersection safety
• Shockwave damping
• Hazard Location Display
• Road Works Warning in Vehicle Signage
• Road Works Warning
• Prioritization Dynamic sign content Tolling station
• Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory
• Green Wave Speed Information
• Weather Warning
• Park & Ride



Processor: QuadCore ARM
Co-processor: Graphical UNIT for neural network support
Memory: Ram 2GB, Flash 8GB
802.11 WiFi: b, g, n – 2.4 GHz
WiFi 802.11: a / ac 5.4 GHz
LoRawan: Survival & diagnostic channel
Sigfox: Survival & diagnostic channel
Antenna Gain: 10dBi @ 24GHz, 13dBi @ 5GHz
Antenna enclosure: Single plastic radome
Antenna fixing: Mechanical security block
LAN and ports: Ethernet Port 10/100/1000
RSU Dimensions: 160 x 220 x 80 mm (h / l / w)
Antenna Dimension: 600 x 300 x 300mm
Weight MSW: 1,5 Kg. Approx
Weight Antenna: 3 Kg. Approx.
Power Supply: 9-36 Vdc – 30W or POE IEEE 802.3at
Consumption: Max.30W
Operating temperature: -40 ° + 70 ° C
Operating temperature: -40 ° + 70 ° C
Industrial Protection: IP67
Antenna connections: n ° 4 Connectors IP67
LAN-POE: n ° 1 Connectors IP67
MSW Case: Anodyzed aluminum